Protecting Your Pet With Vaccines

Being a responsible pet owner will require you to tend to many of your pet's needs. Vaccinating the animal can be among the most important ways that you can protect your pet's health. However, it is easy for people to simply fail to use vaccinations to their full effect due to being misled by some popular notions concerning vaccinations.

Myth: Only Puppies And Kittens Need Vaccines

When you first adopt a puppy or kitten, getting the animal vaccinated will be one of the first things that you will be advised to do. However, you should not let this lead you to believe that only young animals will need to be vaccinated. Older animals that were never vaccinated can greatly benefit from receiving these vaccinations.

Myth: The Vaccines Will Be Administered All At The Same Time

While it is likely that your pet will receive several vaccinations at the same time, it is important to understand that many of the vaccines an animal receives may need to be administered in phases. A common example of this can be the rabies vaccinations as they will need to be given in two doses. Failing to return for the pet's second dose of the vaccination can further compromise the protection that it would have offered. For this reason, pet owners should make sure that they are following their pet's recommended vaccination schedule to ensure the protection is as thorough and effective as possible.

Myth: Vaccines Only Need To Be Given Once

Unfortunately, new pet owners will frequently fail to realize that many of their pet's vaccinations will need to be administered multiple times over the pet's life. In fact, some of these vaccinations may even be needed on a yearly basis to keep the animal protected. When pet owners fail to renew these vaccines, their animals' protection will deteriorate until it becomes susceptible to contracting a disease. Luckily, renewing vaccinations is one of the more affordable types of medical care that your pet can receive.

Myth: Indoor Pets Do Not Need Vaccines

Failing to get an animal vaccinated due to it living indoors can be another mistake that people make. While being indoors can make it harder for your pet to be exposed to some diseases, it will not be a form of protection. For example, fleas and mosquitos can still carry disease into your home from the outdoors. Furthermore, most boarding facilities and apartments will require animals to be vaccinated, and keeping the pet vaccinated will ensure that you have the needed paperwork if you need to provide proof of vaccination.

For more information about pet vaccinations, reach out to your local veterinarian.
